2003 - 2008
Urbanistic plan “River Chiascio Gardens”
Bastia Umbra (Perugia) ITALY Urban planning, Architectural design, Construction management
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Demolition of
Underground level
2600 mq
30000 mc
12117 mc
1914 mq

The urbanistic plan provides the demolition of the 30000 mc of industrial buildings out of use close to the centre of the town, and their substitution with three residential buildings for 12900mc of volume. New buildings are builted whit local materials and constructive technologies.
The idrogeological study made necessary the construction of safeguards artefacts to contrast the flowing out of the Chiascio River situated on the northern boundary of the yard.
In the three new buildings are situated 40 apartments for 160 inhabitants. The project provides also an underground level with 50 parking lots, swimming pool and children garden.

Client: GLAM s.r.l.
Studio Bertagni Architetture design team: arch. Luca Bertagni, arch. Emiliano Gatto, arch. Leonardo Faraone
Consultants: Studio tecnico Ferroni structures and plants, Raffaele Valecchi (thermic plants)
Contractor: Rossi edilizia s.r.l.
